Analytics Wrapper

I wrote this library for those who have to sacrifice apk size to add analytics in Android Apps like me.

Google Analytics uses something called Google Measurement Protocol behind the scenes. This is well documented API and you can built with your desired language easily.

I want to use it in other projects and I don’t wanna copy this file again and again. So I wrote this wrapper as Android Dependency and publish it to Jcenter. You can use it freely if you don’t want to write a lot of codes.

To use it,

Add this line to your module build.gradle

compile 'co.monadlab.wailynnzaw:gawrapper:0.0.2'

To use it properly, intialize it in your Application class like this,

  AnalyticsWrapper wrapper;

  wrapper = new AnalyticsWrapper.Builder(getContext())


In the uuid field, you should add UUID string and save it with Preferences in order to get the unique user.


Get the wrapper instance from your application class.

You can track the screenView easily like -


and events like -

Application.getWrapper().event("Main", "Share", "News", 0);

Get the code via github repo